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John McCallum

Senior Pastor
John has served as pastor of First Baptist Church since 1995, coming to Hot Springs from suburban Kansas City, Missouri, where he served for over 13 years at First Baptist Church of Greenwood. John received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and did his masters and doctoral work at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. John has been married to Dayna since 1977. They have two children; Nathan and Kristen, and 7 grandchildren. In ministry, John most enjoys preaching/teaching, engaging with people, and missions. Outside of work, John enjoys following the Razorbacks, playing with his grandkids, World War II history, golf, reading, dabbling with his guitar, and fitness training.
John has authored several books, which are available for purchase online or in the church office.

"John writes a great book that always captures my attention. His knowledge of historical events and stories coinciding with the subject matter is one of the things I love about John’s sermons and books. You can’t go wrong reading this one!"   - Chris G.

"Fantastic treatment of the book of Revelation. Does a great job of bring clarity and explaining meaning without getting into the weeds. Takes a figurative approach to interpretation with a very literal application that is useful. Provides hope and challenge for the days ahead and more specifically the Day of Christ's return. Dr. McCallum packs a wealth of information in few words and in a way that is engaging and easy to read. A much needed word for our world today."   - Robert P.

"Using the beautiful 23rd Psalm as a template, John McCallum moves the reader to still waters that refresh the soul. Written to "preachers" specifically, I found this book to also refresh my own preaching. Definitely recommend for any preacher/teacher of Scripture, as well as ministry students!"   - Robert P.

"John has given pastors a gift in this book. It is practical, winsome, convicting, and very insightful. In short, he calls pastors to see the 23rd psalm as a model for pastoring. As he walks us through the psalm and its implications for shepherding, the realization dawns on the reader—at least on this reader—that this is actually quite countercultural. We have countless books on the pastor as a shopkeeper,  the pastor as manipulator, the pastor as CEO, the pastor as showman, etc. But we do not have enough works rooted deeply in the witness of scripture calling the pastor to be a shepherd. I deeply appreciated McCallum fleshing out what this means and what it would look like to live this out in day to day pastoral ministry."   - Wyman R.

Special Moments with Pastor John...

25th Anniversary
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, 2021
“Here's our final total on the 2021 Lottie Moon Offering: $158,401. This is the far and away the largest Lottie Moon offering we've ever given. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your love for missionaries and the nations. These resources will impact eternity. You won't miss a dime of what you gave, and more voices from every nation, tribe, and tongue will be added to the chorus around the Throne in heaven, singing, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!"  

- John McCallum

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